(Must be entirely completed before the first match.)
Join/Follow Social Media and group chats.
Get practice schedule and location information, see below:
Download Heja, see below:
Purchase Equipment, see below:
Knee High Socks
Sign Code Of Conduct, see below:
Play Rugby
All players must sign our code of conduct before being able to participate in official Crescent City Rougaroux activities or games.
All official communication from the coaches and executive board that is directly related to playing rugby (e.g. practice updates, game schedule, etc.) will be sent out using the Heja app. We ask that all players download the app for free and use the team code (CODE) to register with the Roux.
Coaches use Heja as the official roster of the team- you must RSVP for games if you want to play!
While using Heja, please:
DO mark your attendance for every practice and game!
We usually ask that players RSVP for practice at least a day in advance, and for games/tournaments at least a week in advance.
Coaches require a minimum of 10 players committed to a given practice in order to run it.
DO update your attendance if it changes!
Please keep in mind that backing out of games with less than a week notice is not fair to the team: if you absolutely have to back out, please speak to a coach and/or board member.
DO keep your notifications on!
Heja is where you will see important game-day coordination, schedule changes from coaches, and announcements.
Coaches can see if you turn your notifications off.
DON’T use Heja as the team’s primary social platform!
The team has a few other purely social communication channels
We need to make sure that important announcements aren’t getting lost in posts that would be better suited for another group
However, if you want to post something motivational and rugby related, please do!
Heja is pronounced "Hey ya". (Fun Fact: It's a word from Sweden, the same place where Heja is built. The word "heja" is often used in Sweden when cheering on someone and means "come on" as in "come on team".)
Time: Mondays 7-9 pm
New Orleans City Park Rugby Pitch
6010 Marconi Drive
New Orleans, LA 70124
If you are a brand new player, the first few weeks will not require any equipment other than standard athletic gear including comfortable sneakers and workout apparel. Just be warned that you may be on the ground a good bit and there is always a chance something may get ripped so dress appropriately.
Once you fall in love with the sport and we begin to work on contact you will need to invest in a few items to make it the safest and most enjoyable experience possible.
Items include:
Cleats - No steel studs or toe cleats please. Most players invest in soccer cleats.
Mouth guard - There is no specific mouth guard required so the preference on price, brand, and expense is all yours. Please make sure it fits completely within your mouth and is molded to your teeth ahead of practice.
Black Rugby Shorts - Rugby shorts are made of highly durable material, such as canvas, and become important as you begin to practice contact skills and set pieces.
Some Popular Brands / Gear Resources
Knee High Socks - The team currently sports black or red knee high athletic socks (not compression) and while not needed at practice, you will need to invest in a pair prior to the first match.
Other recommended items include:
Water Bottle - Hydration is important!
Kit bag - To keep yourself and your gear organized.
Braces - If you have joints that have given you trouble at some point, consider investing in soft braces for things like ankles and knees.
If you have any questions, reach out to any of the Veteran Players, Captains, or Coaches and they can help you out.
Kit Example
Alexander Degann, Fall 2019
There is nothing more disrespectful to your coaches, your teammates, or yourself, than being late, or not showing up. Our practice time is limited. Do your best to be there.
You are here to learn the sport and become a part of a great community of people. The best way to get involved is to just do it. While it is understandable that there may be instances when you need to remove yourself from the drill, there is still a lot you can learn by observing your teammates so please stay at the drill on the sidelines until the drill is complete.
While at practice, listen to the Coaches. Please limit social chat so that we can stay focused on skill development and progress. Save the side chat for the pub socials.
At practice and on the pitch, personal drama or personality conflicts need to be elsewhere. We maintain a positive and inclusive team spirit in which everyone is welcome.
It’s organized chaos.
We get it - it can be intimidating walking into a new group of people to play an unfamiliar sport, especially one as physical as rugby! Just remember that all of us were new to the sport at some point, and regardless of your previous experience with sports we would love to have you come out to practice and give rugby a try. Below are some first impressions of rugby from our coaches and a few returning players:
“I had absolutely no idea what was going on for the first few months that I played rugby. I had never tackled anyone, or played a sport where you threw the ball, and I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off a lot of the time. Luckily, I had a few veteran players that patiently taught me the rules, even though I got too competitive and yelled at people before I even knew the rules. After I played in my first match things started to make more and more sense, and I fell completely in love with the sport. So just remember- just because you may not have any idea what you’re doing, you can still have a lot of fun!”
“I was terrified. It has been my experience that I’ve never been ‘in’ in gay culture. I wasn’t skinny, I didn’t party, and I was older that everyone else by about a decade. That didn’t matter. We were a team and were working together to become something special. By the end of the day I had a drink in my hand, was very tired and had a whole new host of friends I never would have expected to have, and am grateful for it every day.”