Create a culture of warmth and belonging where all team members and potential members are integrated and valued.
Foster open and supportive communication among the team, both on and off the field.
Support each-other in personal and team goals.
Foster an inclusive team environment where everyone feels welcomed and accepted regardless of athletic ability, experience, tenure on the team, age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender expression, trans- or cis-gender status, religion, class, disability, etc.
Recruit members from underrepresented communities through outreach and by creating an inclusive environment.
Be motivated and enthusiastic to achieve our common goals, such as growth in our abilities on the field, in our relationships with each other, and in our service.
Become better players by motivating each other to attend practices, games and other fitness training.
Support the administrative development of the team by volunteering or taking administrative roles.
Give back to the larger community: the LGBTQ+ community, the greater city of New Orleans, the local rugby community, and the international gay rugby (IGR) community.
Work closely with our sponsors to help them realize their goals.